Welcome with Islamic Greeting, Assalamualaikum w.b.t. May peace, mercy and blessing of Allah SWT, of Almighty God on you

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Islam is not a religion, it is a fake statement

Islam is not a religion. The root of the word "religion" is comes from Latin word religare (re: back, and ligare: to bind). In Gifford Lectures (1902), the psychologist William James defined religion as "the feelings, acts, and experiences of individual men in their solitude, so far as they apprehend themselves to stand in relation to whatever they may consider the divine"
Islam is difference. 1st we must know the history of Islam.
Islam is not started during Muhammad time which was about 1400 years ago. Hence Muhammad was not a founder of Islam. Instead, to understand what is Islam, firstly we have to know the meaning of the word "ISLAM".
ISLAM can be express into three groups of literally meaning in Arabic which is;
  1. Aslama-means Submission, Surrender, Obedience and similar meanings.
  2. Salima-means Authentic, Pure and similar meanings.
  3. Salaam-means Harmony, Calm, Peace and similar meanings.
Therefore, ISLAM means Submit (Aslama) to Pure/True (Salima) God in an Authentic Way (Salima) so that one can achieve Peace (refer to word Salaam) here and hereafter. Hence this Arabic word of ISLAM is a description of an action of obeying the True God so that ones can save during hereafter.

Islam is not a religion, but a way of life
Islam also a universal in meaning, word Islam wasn't derived from human ideas. Compare to others religions which come from a Title, Name of People,Name of Place, Name of Nation.

“Nay, whoever submits His whole self to God and is a doer of good, He will get his reward with his Lord; on such shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve” [Quran 2:112]

Say ye: "We believe in God, and the revelation given to us, and to Abraham, Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to (all) prophets from their Lord: We make no difference between one and another of them: And we bow to God [Quran 2:136]

Whoever Submit to Pure/True God in an Authentic Way so that one can achieve Peace here and hereafter in known as Muslim. Islam is simple ^^after all.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Adam & Eve in Christianity and Islam

Picture for illustrared only

For Christianity, based on the Genesis Chapter 2, 3, Christian believe;
  1. Adam and Eve live together in Eden (Paradise)
  2. God command them, there shall be a tree of life, that they shouldn't eat the fruit or touch it
  3. Serpent make Eve feel desired to try the fruit
  4. She did it, and she gave to Adam too
  5. After they eat the fruits, they had  knowledge about good and evil, they also realise that they were naked
  6. They quickly hid using leaves
  7. Lord of God walking in the Garden and search for Adam
  8. The God found that Adam and Eve realised that they were naked
  9. God mad, they were sent to the earth, since that every human has original sin because of the Adam and Eve's did
For Islam, based on the Quran, Muslim believe;
  1. Adam and Eve live in paradise 
  2. They enjoy perfect freedom and happiness in paradise
  3. The God allow them to eat what they desire but forbid them to eat one tree
  4. God warn them if they did, they will be both of the wrongdoers
  5. Satans came and deceive them, they did it
  6. Adam and Eve felt shame, they turn to God in sincere repentance
  7. God, The All-Forgiving, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful, forgave them
  8. Then, God removed Adam and Eve from Paradise and made them dwell on earth
Based on both story, most of the contents is exactly same. The story of Adam and Eve in Islam and Christianity. But they is slight difference which is in Christianity they believe the sin that Adam and Eve did become original sin. The 1st sin, and it was inherited to all human until they have faith what Jesus thought. However ini Islam, the God had forgave Adam and Eve, there is no original sin. They were sent to earth and learn from their mistake. The things is between these 2 identical stories, which one is the correct one? I may be know the answer, but the important things is you find the truth by your own. ^^